As most of my fam have noticed, I have been absent from the blog business for a while but...

Most of you have noticed the title of the post and thought to yourself: Who's Osman Abi?
Well, rest assured, I will answer that question... at the end of the post. For right now, we have more pressing matters to tell the public. MY. MOM'S. ELEPHANT. IS. GONE.
Now you might be wondering: How on the face of the Earth does Onur continue to make stupid random stuff up like this and put it on a blog which he claims to be "professional"?
Well, my friends, that leads us to the story of how my mom got a pet elephant!
How My Mom Got an Apocalyptic Elephant:
It all started on a regular Tuesday morning. My brother was attempting to eat clam chowder with an a thousand-degree spoon. My dad was chugging imaginary water while trying to smash a box of crayons for "holy mac"... whatever that's supposed to mean. You know, regular family stuff. I was just starting to wonder where my mom was when she came in, smashing through the door, with a dwarf elephant at her side. Eh, still normal. What wasn't normal was that the elephant had red eyes. I didn't get much sleep that night. Or the night after that. Or ever. I was about to move out of the house when the elephant disappeared. Um... next subject.
The Clone Wars is Back:
I kid you not, a show about humans with the same blood and adult Baby Yoda is back and better than 1-2 Switch. It really dives into the deep story of how these... hold up-- "clones" --fight for the Republic with its great senator: this can't be right... Jar Jar Binks? Um, well they somehow managed to flesh out 6 full seasons of this with another one coming on the way. The first arc for the seventh season actually already released, and it is on the famous 2016 rated R movie "The Bad Batch". The second arc is about to release and is based on a runaway duck who is trying to find her place in this harsh galaxy... according to i-know-all-about-attack-of-the-clones.exe. Um... stay tuned for more Jar Jar I guess. (Note: this is all just a joke and I secretly love this gosh darn series)
Online Schools Exist:
Does it, though? Well, yes. I just took my first class of it today and I can tell you... It's an online mess (for me at least). Why? My school just wasn't prepared for it, I guess, and all of the assignments were extremely unorganized, and half the time, I was emailing my teachers for a proper schedule! At least it was a big boy step up from regular school. I'm not going to be one of those dank extrovert drama queens who yell at the top of their lungs, "I WANNA BE HOMESCHOOLED AND KEPT AWAY FROM THIS PRISON CALLED 'SCHOOL' " right next to the teacher even though they are only in fifth grade and don't get that much hard work. My day started off with science. Then Math. Then ELA. Was it hard? Yes, but technically no. It was hard because, at first, it seemed like an ungodly amount of HW. But then I realized that it wasn't homework, it was schoolwork. (*facepalm*)
Me: So this is trickery, I see.

My Own Memes Straight From Ze Kitchen:
Speaking of dank drama queens, I've been having way too much free time lately... so I made these abominations:
ARG, Question Mark:
Maybe... (hint hint, wink wink)
Daily Posts, Question Mark:
I cannot make any promises. I am not quite sure. Expect daily posts for this week (thanks to online schools) but from then on, I might continue to make daily posts or make weekly posts. But these are all just possibilities. I am not sure of anything just yet.
My Favorite Clone Wars Episodes:
25: Lethal Trackdown
24: Grievous Intrigue
23: Eminence
22: Citadel Rescue
21: Deception
20: Sacrifice
19: Overlords
18: Landing at Point Rain
17: Clone Cadets
16: Witches of the Mist
15: ARC Troopers
14: The Deserter
13: The Citadel
12: Darkness on Umbara
11: Rookies
10: Plan of Dissent
9: Orders
8: Voyage of Temptation
7: Voices
6: Shades of Reason
5: Ghosts of Mortis
4: Revenge
3: Carnage of Krell
2: The Wrong Jedi
1: The Lawless
Before we finish this blog post, I must explain to ya'll who Osman Abi is.
He is love.
He is life.
But he cannot be a wife.
I'm a poet and I didn't even know it. Well, the coronavirus is going on and I hope you are all very safe. I swear, if Corona beer isn't the cure to the coronavirus, I ain't attending to my own funeral. Our trip to Spain over the break was canceled, and I hope that this is all over by the time that summer comes along, since we have a planned Norway and Turkey trip. Yes, I will be having an ARG sometime soon. Expect another post tomorrow. Goodnight ya'll. Remember, when life gives you lemons, you make elephants disappear.
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