My Mangoes Died | ft. Ashoka Tano From Star Trek: Infinity War

Oh my god, guys. Online school is way too hard. I've gotten a 6 question google form. I also had a hangouts call with my ELA teacher... And, well, nothing else. Hey, that means more time to buy new mangoes!
The Epic Story of How I Found my Mangoes:

I love mangoes. I mean, I love mangoes. So as soon as I saw boxes full of mangoes for sale at the grocery store, I stole all of them and ran. I saw a wanted poster on my way home for the robbed mangoes. I was starting to love those mangoes more then Osman Abi just when a couple of military officers showed up at my house. 
"FBI, open up!" they yelled as they burst open the front door.
"Mom, get out my room, I'm playing Shrek's Carnival Craze on my Kindle!" I responded, not knowing that they were carrying eggs. When I saw them, I knew what I had to do.
"You'll never catch me and my mangoes alive, suckers!"
I jumped out of the window and landed on Clone Wars Season 7: The Cursed Child.

Back Without a Tracey:

Hi, I'm Bubsy, and I'm t i c k e d  o f f  by how many people hate my games. That's why I started a movie named Star Wars. Why is it called that? Because I just found out that the sun is a star and that people are at war over my games. It features a character named... what's a typical non-cat name... ah, Leia. Leia and his sister Luke adventure across the galaxy, searching for power converters. I will also feature a walking carpet in the movie because carpets are made of wool, and, um, woolies exist... After it released, people had a new hope for your ol' pal Bubsy here. So then I spent all of the money which I made off of the movie on my next excellent game: Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back. For whatever reason, people liked stupid War Stars better than my multi-billion-dollar masterpiece of a game. So then I made a sequel. I saw an Empire Today commercial on TV and was like, "I could use that!". So then I made Bubsy: The Empire Strikes Back, the ultimate sequel to Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back. My fans got even more outraged. So I changed the name of my great game from Bubsy: The Empire Strikes Back to Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. For some reason, fans liked the game much better after I just changed the title of it. So it was only logical to turn it into a trilogy. It should end off with a ghost of some dead cyborg staring uncomfortably at his son, Leia. Genius!

I won the lottery the next year and decided to make three new Bubsy-- Ahem --Star Wars movies. They were the same quality as Bubsy games though. I got some money out of it anyway. For some reason, Disney was invested in my stupid company. They decided to make a Season 7 out of my dumb show Star Wars: The Star Wars (later named Star Wars: The Clone Wars). I ate some "holy mac" the next day, and thought to myself, how about we make a Jedi and a pilot become friends and stop a smashy-crashy robot from taking over the underworld, just like in Kung Fu Panda.

Gone With a Trace Review:

The episode starts off with Ashoka nearly dying, AKA the best part of the episode. Ashoka somehow uses her brain though and ends up (coincidentally) crashing her speeder right next to a speeder/ship repairer. There is this one scene in there when Ashoka breathes though, so the episode is all ruined. Ashoka and the mechanic, Trace, try and stop a deadly droid from killing everyone. Ashoka stares down at the void below her at one point, and the whole entire time, I'm thinking to myself: Ashoka, no one likes you. Ashoka takes this as a compliment though and ends up eating at some local fast-food restaurant with Trace. Seeing her eat that food and strengthen her body annoys me. I'm so excited for the next episode. I am mainly hoping to see Ashoka go away and join a group of stupid pirates or something. Pirates are dinguses... just like her. You know, I've always wondered why we never see any women or children pirates which makes me think about where they even came from, and how they exist. Does Hondo make the babies, or is there no babies at all. Are pirates just oversized pebbles? Is life an illusion? Is the Earth flat? Are zombies real? Are vaccinations bad for you? Is the Coronavirus a myth? What is cheese?

Forky Asks a Question: What is Cheese:

This content is even better than the Clone Wars and mangoes combined, guys.
Image result for what is cheeseImage result for what is cheese forky asks a questionWhat isImage result for what is cheese?

The Tragic Story of How I Lost my Mangoes:

What is better: "holy mac", cheese, or my mangoes? I was just wondering that when those military officers committed murder. They picked up a knife and sliced right through one of the ripe and juicy mangoes that I loved so much. They were about to slaughter another one of my precious mango children when I yelled out, "Please, kill me instead!". I was the next person to be on Dr. Phil's TV show. At least I got fed pasta afterward.

Scavenger Hunt:

Tomorrow is my birthday, and my brother is planning a scavenger hunt. Arca was trying to keep how it was going to play out a secret until the Big Foot which we would be dissecting during Science class revealed to me what would be happening. He is going to be tricking me into hacking into the Rick and Morty fan base in order to bring back Mother 3 and Club Penguin! I knew this dark day would come. I now have no choice but to consult my manager, ARG Info, about this.

ARG Info:

If you read yesterday's blog post, you would know about the tragedy of Smiling Jones the wise. Beatin' Timothy, Suspicious Brock, and Crisis Christopher all moved on to the finals in the USA (what, he gave away his location?!) and will be each be a team captain for the upcoming ARG. Tell me now in the comments if you are in or not. It will take place the day after Thanksgiving this year. Directly following it will be The Way of Wakanda Version 1.5 (the updates in that will be explained later on). I will start the gaming series probably over this weekend, so sit tight, my mangoes. The special edition series will be starting tomorrow since it is my birthday tomorrow. I will probably talk about the surprise scavenger hunt in that. After the ARG is over, I will go back to playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf with my buddy Reggie on the Nintendo 3DS.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons:

I will get it over this weekend, ya big fat slugs.

Me after making that joke:
Image result for laughing memes

My viewers:
Image result for monkey awkward meme

Descraposition (no Grammarly, I did not mean decomposition)

Yes, daily posts are gonna be real. When I said that in yesterday's post I meant that. I've been binge-watching Osman Abi TV lately and my parents are getting worried about my health and mental state. I hope that you guys like the new color-aesthetic for my blog. Let me know in the comments section if you don't like it or it hurts your eyes etc. BTW, I actually don't hate Ashoka Tano, that was all just a joke. Please put an F in the chat for my dear mangoes. If you didn't care, eat grass. Goodnight ya'll. Don't get cooked, just pay up for Tom Nook!
