Well, it looks like I didn't lie when I said "daily posts"...
Someone's Birthday Party:
Someone invited me and everyone else in my class to her party, but only three people (including me) actually showed up thanks to some sort of beer-named sickness (coronavirus). I arrive and am greeted with a hospitable "Ew" from some VSCO Girl named Sarah who says that she cares more about clothes than people. I walk into the basement and find Kanata, an actual friend of mine, who is hiding in a corner, covered in pillows, rethinking his life decisions, and I immediately know why. I look around and find a TV that is opened to Jasmine's Youtube search history. I see Jasmine sitting on her couch, laughing her head off. Meanwhile, Sara is lying on the floor screeching, "OPEN IT!" at the top of her lungs. Jasmine explains that we can't play Man Hunt (AKA the only thing that I came there for... along with the food, of course) thanks to the lack of people and we'll be stuck here, watching Youtube in her uncle's account for one and a half hours.
I tried out this super-duper sweet drink that was apparently "non-alcoholic", but I got sugar drunk anyway. And also, we played "Loud Indian Music" for no reason whatsoever half the time, so that happened. Eh, at least the Pringles chips tasted good.
ARG Update:
Yes, this ARG will be happening. When? That will be confirmed in a later post. For now, all I can tell you is that it will be a team ARG. There will be a total of three teams. The number of people on each team will be decided once I know how many people will be joining. Click Here If You Are In For It. If You Probably Won't Participate, Click Here.
Day Two of Online School:
Even though it was even harder than yesterday's class, it seemed a bit neater, and I've started to get a feel for things in Online School. I start off class with a friendly 4 paragraph essay and a whole load of math. For science, I got practically nothing except for the announcement that next week, we're going to be dissecting bigfoot on the Internet (totally true, guys, not clickbait for one of my next blog posts or anything). I can tell you that it was less of a mess, but with my family constantly blasting Osman Abi TV videos...
Osman Abi is love, life, but is not a wife.
I Achieved Nothing In Achieve3000:
We had to write that four-paragraph essay on Achieve... the land of the questions that only make sense after you get them wrong. So, being the lazy dunkey I am, I thought it was a bright idea to turn on my microphone so I could speak out my essay and it would type it out for me without me even having to touch my keyboard. Despite a few hearing mistakes, it was going just fine until one fateful moment... I was finished with my essay, and I turned off my microphone settings for Achieve3000 just in case my ELA demons would be listening to what I was saying. Yet the symbol for the microphone being enabled was still showing, and the icon said that it would only show your newest changes to the settings if you reloaded. Without submitting my perfect essay, I pressed Ctrl...
The Logical Part of My Brain Realizing What I Just Did:
Myself Realizing What I Just Did:

That's right, I spent two hours on the best essay that I could have ever written only to reload on the website I wrote it in that can only manually save your changes. I managed to rewrite the full thing, but I didn't think that it was as good as the OG one.
My Bucketlist For Things To Do Over The Coronavirus Quarantine:
As everyone (except for Rudy Gobert) probably knows, the coronavirus is dangerous, so ya'll gonna stay indoors. What am I gonna do? BUCKETLIST TIME, BAAYBEE!
-Make Daily Blogposts
Yeah, you know that already.
-Beat Three More Bosses in "Hollowknight"
I know that you may be thinking: Only three? This game is harder than Ice Age Baby's skull, okay?
-Make One Good Drawing
-Make A Good AABO Shrek
Only true gamers that rise up in the dark understand this reference.
-Beat "Touryst"
It's only 5 hours.
-Get a Life
This one's the hardest of them all.
-Create an Actually Good Short Novel
All of my other books are either way too fast-paced and dumb or just bad.
-Get a House In "Animal Crossing: New Horizons"
I'm getting this game as a birthday gift... (future blog post)
-Attempt to Make a Complicated Origami Thing
Whenever I fold the piece of paper, I burst out crying, thinking of all of the bacteria I just killed.
I know that this post was shorter than usual. This is only because of that one dumb essay. This blog post was also a bit dull compared to my other posts. That's also because of my essay which drained all of the energy out of me. I will immediately start working on my next blog post and make it more enjoyable. Goodnight ya'll. Remember, don't get cooked; stay off the hook!
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